What I’m Reading – Week of December 13th

Below are some of the most intriguing, thought-provoking and actionable performance-related content pieces I read, watched or listened to this week.

[pic: @LegacyMentorOfficial IG page]

  • Practice = Professional

“All are here to serve a higher purpose, to seek, in the training and conflict between and among one another, to realize the best of themselves. That’s you and me every day at the easel, at the piano, at the keyboard. That’s a practice.”


  • The Comfortable Misery Syndrome

“If everything is too good, you’re probably stuck not being awesome.”


  • You’re Only As Good As Your Worst Day

“As individuals, we tell people the most about who we are when everything goes wrong.”


As always, follow my Legacy Mentor feed on Instagram for daily quotes, book and product reviews, and knowledge bombs. www.instagram.com/legacymentorofficial

This post originally appeared at www.damondamore.com