What I’m Reading – Week of November 22nd

Below are some of the most intriguing, thought-provoking and actionable performance-related content pieces I read, watched or listened to this week.

[pic: @LegacyMentorOfficial IG page]
People need (and usually deserve) second chances because often the first version of themselves they put out into the world is not even close to the finished product they’ll want everyone to see them as. It takes time to get there and the latitude to make a lot of ‘teachable moment’ mistakes.”

  • The Big Lessons From History (long form)

An important lesson from history is that the risks we talk about in the news are rarely the most important risks in hindsight. The same story, again and again.”


  • Learning Through Play

“Doing things we enjoy without a goal in mind leads us to find new information, better understand our own capabilities, and find unexpected beauty around us.”


  • How to Gradually Become a More Relaxed Person

“Our cultural ideas of relaxation tend to involve some sort of external intervention — drinks, vacations, entertainment, or some other kind of stimulation, more to distract us from tension than actually relieve it.”


  • On Cultivating and Sustaining Love

“Love is losing yourself in the process of caring about and showing undivided attention to someone or something, through ups and downs. It’s as simple and as hard as that.”


As always, follow my Legacy Mentor feed on Instagram for daily quotes, book and product reviews, and knowledge bombs. www.instagram.com/legacymentorofficial

This post originally appeared at www.damondamore.com