Maps Of Meaning – Course Notes

I recently completed a full semester graduate-level psychology course of Jordan Petersen’s MAPS OF MEANING online – based on his book of the same title.

This course spans a number of topics rooted in Petersen’s personalized map of belief systems and in ways his own version/interpretation of Joseph Campbell’s take on The Hero’s Journey with deeper dives into psychological, biological, neurological, historical, religious and literary supporting materials for this thesis.

The overview of the class along with links to all 12 free classes on YouTube are available by clicking this sentence.

Whether or not you choose to view the course I HIGHLY RECOMMEND you watch the final 10 minutes or so – go to the last class (12) and forward to the 2 hour-12 (2:12:00 ) minute mark and you can do so BY CLICKING HERE.

The part of the lecture is a great conclusion on how to spend your life as an individual, the importance of living a “good” life for yourself and your community and ultimately, a potential to the question of “the problem of humanity.”

Below are my handwritten class notes – 24 pages in order of classes for those of you who like to see my notes on such things.

As always, follow my Legacy Mentor feed on Instagram for daily quotes, book and product reviews, and knowledge bombs.

This post originally appeared at

2 thoughts on “Maps Of Meaning – Course Notes”

  1. Pingback: Beverly Bultron
  2. Pingback: Lincoln Georgis

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